Add to Technorati Favorites Ideal Advice: The Self-Help Search for Truth and Balance: "Walking the Tightrope"

Monday, April 2, 2007

"Walking the Tightrope"

Many of us are tightrope walkers trying to keep our balance; tense and uncertain about each step we take. Feeling isolated and uncomfortable as we make decisions; confused and frightened by what the future holds; we gingerly step forward.

As the fatigue mounts and stress stacks we stop to rest but are never at ease. We try to escape our situation through countless diversions, mindlessly watching television, vacations, or even consuming drugs and alcohol. But as we return to our senses, or the entertainment disappears we realize we are still standing on a thin cord.

Many of us attempt to master the tightrope, and some do a good job. We learn how to manage our time effectively, how to use others for our benefit, ways to grow in our careers. We become trained tightrope walkers who can deftly maneuver ourselves through the instabilities of life.

But sooner or later we realize that we do not like where the tightrope is heading or that we are on it at all. There is no end in sight and the path doesn’t change; we want to get off but cannot. The drop appears very far. It does not matter anymore that we are good tightrope walkers, for being on the tightrope is not where we want to be.

We are at a loss. All the choices we can make in life appear to keep us walking upon the same cord, in the same pointless direction. Getting another job, taking another vacation, or reading another self-help book, none will change our lives in the way we desire; none will get us off the rope.

Interestingly, there are times when we feel the pressure of being on the rope lifted. Not times when we are distracted by entertainment or consumed by our busy lifestyles, but moments of peace and clarity. Possibly when sharing a special moment with our partner, or child. Maybe when surrounded by nature, after surviving a threatening experience, developing our talents or learning something new that changes our perspective on things. What is it about these moments of clarity and comfort that bring us momentary contentment?

At these times we are balanced. Life makes sense. Whether it be the love we feel for another, the sensation of internal growth that comes from new knowledge or our self-development, or a sense of harmony when in a different environment, things just feel stable, secure, and worthwhile.

Each of us feel this sense of stability for different frequencies and at different durations. This has to do with a wide variety of influences. But, for all of us, there are ways to secure the path we travel by. We do not need to be on the tightrope leading us blindly, nor do we need to get off it.

By learning certain core principles about life, what some might call universal truths, our cord gets thicker. The more we comprehend about ourselves and the world around us the flatter our path becomes until it has becomes until our tightrope turns into a path that is flat and wide like a street sidewalk. Soon we realize that our path continues to get wider as we walk it because the foundation we have developed is one that keeps us balanced and secure where we can continue to learn and grow. It allows us to go in any direction we desire and gives us the ability to continue past any blockage.

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