Add to Technorati Favorites Ideal Advice: The Self-Help Search for Truth and Balance: The Psychology of Tax Procrastination

Monday, April 9, 2007

The Psychology of Tax Procrastination
Have you ever wondered why so many people push off doing their taxes until the last possible second? Well some researchers think that it has a lot to do with the same reasons why people push off seeing doctors and dentists until they are in a lot of discomfort: A fear of what is possibly awaiting them.
When people push off medical appointments they also push of the potential knowledge of some major problems they may already have and just not know about. This explains how some people allow certain symptoms and illnesses to grow incredibly large and threatening before ever seeking medical help. It is far more common than you think.
To a lesser degree, people are doing the same thing by avoiding filing their taxes. They are avoiding the potential knowledge that they owe more money than they thought they do, or even worse, they are avoiding the possibility that they could make a mistake on their taxes, in essence opening a Pandora's box of liability with the IRS.
The bottom line here is that people are greatly influenced by fear. Whether it's our taxes or health, this fear can be very damaging. It is important that we take a moment to recognize this feeling and raise ourselves above it to act intelligently and responsibly. Whether it is filing our taxes early or seeing a physician for a regular check up when nothing appears to be wrong with us, it is actions like these that can have very powerful effects on our lives.

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