Add to Technorati Favorites Ideal Advice: The Self-Help Search for Truth and Balance: Review: Stephen R. Covey - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Review: Stephen R. Covey - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

"It is incredibly easy to get caught up in an activity trap, in the busy-ness of life, to work harder and harder at climbing the ladder of success only to discover it's leaning against the wrong wall. It is possible to be busy — very busy — without being very effective." -Stephen R. Covey

This is one of the only business guidance books that I have read that has a soul (unlike the works of Dale Carnegie). All of its advice has meaning and purpose. The review linked above gives a good introduction to each step.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't consider this book a business guidance book. I really think every single thing it discusses is so important in all aspects of life! It's a great book. Good you mentioned it. I LOVE IT!