Add to Technorati Favorites Ideal Advice: The Self-Help Search for Truth and Balance: How to Make Babies Smarter

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

How to Make Babies Smarter
So this article's message is that we don't know if strategies to improve brain development in infants (like playing them Mozart) actually work. What I can tell you is that decades of research have shown that infants benefit from being stimulated. It helps with their brain and sensory development. For example, if an infant is not exposed to varying visual depth it will be detrimental to his/her ability to perceive depth. So sensory exposure to things like colors, feeling textures, noises, scents, languages, music, etc. are all beneficial and often the benefits cannot be reproduced later in life (for more info look up "Critical Period"). We may not know how exactly how providing these stimuli help they help, but they don't seem to hurt. Just make sure you lave your baby some quiet time as that is important to.

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