Add to Technorati Favorites Ideal Advice: The Self-Help Search for Truth and Balance: Society, Answers, & Goals

Friday, April 13, 2007

Society, Answers, & Goals

It says: "I thought being thin was THE answer.
It wasn't and now I'm trapped."

The solution is to gradually become free of societal rewards and learn how to substitute for them rewards that are under one's own powers. This is not to say that we should abandon every goal endorsed by society; rather, it means that, in addition to or instead of the goals others use to bribe us with, we develop a set of our own.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, 1990

If you aren't already familiar with you should check it out. It is a hugely successful site where people mail in post cards with their secrets. These post cards are then posted on this website for all to see. You will see that many people share your fears, regrets, etc.

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