Add to Technorati Favorites Ideal Advice: The Self-Help Search for Truth and Balance: Music Lessons Fine Tune the Brain

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Music Lessons Fine Tune the Brain

Researchers found that people who study playing an instrument have better developed hearing. So you may think "big deal." But think about it for a moment. With better hearing the subjects in the study were able to understand speech better. Imagine how many conversations you listen to in a life time. What if you could hear the nuanced changes in someone's voice when they are lying, or stressed out?


Anonymous said...

Okay... 1. you have a typo. you wrote thing & not think (in the second line).

2. this is the funnniest thing i have ever heard! do you really believe if you had better hearing you could hear differences in someones voice that would lead you to believe they were lying? this would take a much more advanced skill than just hearing. no?

Joseph Ahdoot M.A. said...

Surely, it would take more skill then just hearing but people always underestimate how much our physical abilities affect our mental and social ones. Someone with better hearing will start off by hearing differences in tone and pitch that you or I don't. Then over years of experience they will be able to interpret what those differences in tones mean. It may not result in better lie detection, but the idea that improved senses can make real differences in our live's is legit.

Anonymous said...

Yes you are right. Did you also know that based on how strong our taste buds are (how well they work to taste)... our eating habits are different, fat people who crave foods allll the time have taste buds that don't work as well and always crave for more of certain flavors. Research that, I am sure there is an article written on it, I was watching a doctor talk about it on TV and I believe has has written a book -- and this was in one of the chapters.