Add to Technorati Favorites Ideal Advice: The Self-Help Search for Truth and Balance: Don't Believe (Or Forward) Everything You Read

Monday, May 21, 2007

Don't Believe (Or Forward) Everything You Read

Contrary to what forwarded e-mails would have you believe, progesterex is not a date rape drug that is being used to sterilize women, people are not spraying ether perfume, estee lauder lipstick does not contain lead, and Ashley Flores is NOT missing.
Basically, 90% of the forwards you are receiving are COMPLETELY FALSE. Stop forwarding them. Instead, use a fact checker such as to see whether or not the forward you are reading is based in fact
The Internet is an unprecedented tool for the proliferation of information. Let's keep it as pristine as possible.


Anonymous said...


RezB said...

RezB said:

Oh Word! For Reals?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh... "W"?