Add to Technorati Favorites Ideal Advice: The Self-Help Search for Truth and Balance: 216 Common Chemicals are Linked to Breast Cancer

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

216 Common Chemicals are Linked to Breast Cancer

Experts have long suspected that diet plays a role in causing breast cancer. But new research found "no association that is consistent, strong and statistically significant" for any particular foods raising or reducing breast cancer risk.

There is substantial evidence, however, that regularly consuming alcohol, being obese and being inactive increase risk. Now new evidence of 216 common chemicals found to cause cancer in test animals has been reported. Of those, people are highly exposed to 97, including industrial solvents, pesticides, dyes, gasoline and diesel exhaust compounds, cosmetics ingredients, hormones, pharmaceuticals, radiation, and a chemical in chlorinated drinking water.

As Ana Soto, a Tufts University professor of cell biology who specializes in cellular origins of cancer and effects of hormone-disrupting contaminants"More and more, cancer looks like an environmental disease." This is not to say that there are not genetic and hereditary factors in the development of breast cancer, but simply to point out the apparently great influence of environment and lifestyle.

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