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Monday, May 7, 2007

Spudware: Say Goodbye to Plastic, Hello to Bioplastics

Start saying goodbye to Styrofoam containers and plastic cutlery. Since these products are nonrecyclable and nonbiodegradable (unlike other plastics), West Coast cities are voting like Santa Monica and San Fransisco are voting to ban them.
What will take their place? Tableware derived from corn, potatoes and sugar already being backed by giants like DuPont and Dow Chemical.


Unknown said...

I've actually used these utensils and whole foods... they are not so nice. Which leads me to my question? Why does eco-friendly have to equal un-sexy? I mean, you'd think by now we'd have a sleek hybrid or utensils that are good for the environment but aren't difficult to handle... but yet, not so much. Thoughts?

Anonymous said...

You can find these items on-line at Theya re awesome!!